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Municipal Response to Responsibility Agreements, Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association

On behalf of the Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association, Bolivar≈Phillips completed an inventory of municipal policies and experience with planning and implementing servicing solutions requiring entering into a Responsibility Agreement.  The study also identified a work plan for the Association to help members better understand and address municipal requirements for the consideration and approval of private onsite and small communal systems.

Economic Development, Carp Road Corridor Business Improvement Area

Bolivar≈Phillips works with the business association's 250 members as well as individual members to characterize area constraints to economic development and plan and implement an on-going economic development program.  Major issues being addressed included onsite servicing constraints to business expansion, access to senior government funding opportunities and business retention and expansion strategies.

Capacity Allocation Strategy, City of Ottawa

Facing challenges at managing and planning for capacity constraints in existing infrastructure, Bolivar≈Phillips assisted the City of Ottawa in establishing a Capacity Allocation Strategy.  The Strategy directs both the City’s and the land development community’s consideration of opportunities and constraints in infrastructure capacity, and offers innovative tools and processes to ensure that intensification objectives are met while at the same time protecting property from risks of overtaxed systems.

Peterborough Municipal Airport Environmental Assessment, City of Peterborough

Following approval and Infrastructure Stimulus Funding for a $20M expansion, the City of Peterborough retained Bolivar≈Phillips to complete the federal environmental assessment for the project.  Significant challenges included tight delivery time frames to ensure funding approval, successfully addressing significant environmental constraints such as Species at Risk and Provincially Significant Wetlands and working with the City’s Project Team to manage an innovative Design / Build project contracting process.  In association with Fusion Environmental Management and Kilgour & Associates Limited. 

Source Water Protection Planning, City of Ottawa

The Province of Ontario is implementing source water protection planning in communities across Ontario including Ottawa.   Bolivar≈Phillips assisted the City of Ottawa in considering Provincial source water protection guidance modules and how the proposed Provincial methodologies and criteria will impact City policy, zoning and rural settlement planning. 

Water Policy Development, Canadian Institute of Planners

The Institute recognized that planners and land development play important roles in the management of Canada’s water resources.   Bolivar≈Phillips was retained to prepare a comprehensive, Canada wide perspective on the present state and need for change in water planning for the sustainable development of Canada’s cities and regions and to make recommendations to the Institute on how Canadian planners can play a more effective role in planning for sustainability in water resources.  n association with Fusion Environmental Management and CIMA+.

Policy Based Business Strategies, Clearford Industries Inc. 

Clearford is the developer of the patented Small Bore Sewer ™ (SBS™), a watertight small diameter wastewater collection system.  The firm retained Bolivar≈Phillips to advise on the policy basis for their business development strategies.  Across Canada, boil water advisories, infrastructure deficits and awareness of the environment are contributing to a well identified need for infrastructure upgrades and improvements.  As a developer and provider of an innovative wastewater solution, Clearford saw the need for policy advice as part of a business plan in particular in advance of the announced Federal Infrastructure Stimulus program. 
